lunedì, aprile 18, 2005

Another Moment Of Weakness


ah. i feel slightly better.


Word Of The Wolf today is imprimatur \im-prih-MAH-tur; -MAY-\,
1. Official license or approval to print or publish a book, paper, etc.; especially, such a license issued by the Roman Catholic episcopal authority.
2. Approval; sanction.
3. A mark of approval or distinction.

"Vatican officials have overruled a 1994 decision by a bishop in England, ordering him to withdraw his imprimatur from a popular religious education text that had come under attack from conservatives."

-"Vatican orders bishop to remove imprimatur,"National Catholic Reporter, February 27, 1998

Imprimatur is from New Latin imprimatur, "let it be printed," from imprimere, "to imprint," from Latin, from in- + premere, "to press."

1 Osservasioni:

Blogger Unknown couldn't refrain from sayin...

May I say that too? :o)

lunedì, aprile 18, 2005 9:33:00 AM  

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