mercoledì, giugno 02, 2004

Support me, I plead to thee!

fellow followers of the way of the wolf,

as we progress in our lives, it is only natural to be faced with obstacles aplenty. a most unforseen situation has emerged, threatenin to bring the curtains down on this blogsite.

shortage of resources has made the maintenance of this site difficult. i can't find a picture hosting service that allows me enough credits to put up the wonderful pictures that we so love to view. worse still, as the hit counter ticks on, more and more views are registered and soon the pictures won't show anymore. as the credits diminish, i have no choice but to contemplate payin for more credits to support the site.

in view of this prospect, i have set up a paypal donation button with the sincere hope that my loyal readers would contribute towards my costs. it's merely a nominal GBP0.50 that i ask from each reader, and i pledge to utilise your generous donation for the betterment of this cause. we need USD5.00 to get goin for the first month and i trust this shouldn't be too hard if you lot offer this wolf a helpin paw.

for those who have read about my financial position, you would certainly appreciate the frustration of my plight.

in my labour of love, i'm tryin hard to learn as much html as possible to include as many features as i can. a new radio playin .swf tunes called Wails Of The Wolf would be out soon, barrin any untoward events. a tag board would also be on its way.

with this, i give out a half-a-pound howl to those who empathise with this strugglin wolf.


2 Osservasioni:

Anonymous Anonimo couldn't refrain from sayin...

watch The Princess And The Warrior

giovedì, giugno 03, 2004 1:26:00 AM  
Blogger Brian couldn't refrain from sayin...

restecp to you a'ight, for spongicating a button linking our sites. we is now united in blog.... if you know what imsayin.....hamkalenghamkaleng...
anyhoo, i am very happy that there's so many new additions to your once plain but entertaining blog. however, i fear you may be too caught up hyper-shitting the blog you may forget that your readers are really here to read about your writing.
not anything else, though they are wonderful bonuses.
if you know what imsayin hamkaleng hamkaleng.......

giovedì, giugno 03, 2004 4:05:00 PM  

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