lunedì, maggio 17, 2004

Of Wolf And Man

ke hadapan saudara dilettante yang berada jauh di malaysia. semoga jauh-jauh lagi. diharapkan laman maya ini dapat menghiburkan anda di samping mengeratkan hubungan silaturahim malatlow antara kami.

allow me to explain what this weblog is all about. it ain't about self-obsession. it ain't my online journal. what, you think i let you lot see inside the eye of my mind that easy. no way, pedro. gone are the attention-seekin days of yore. most of me other blogger mates write about themselves and their experiences but i'ma do this one step different -this gonna be comic relief, altruistic reflection and just random hotlinks to a world previously unseen to you. it's to suggest another view to you, sometimes not necessarily mine. it's to entertain you, to enrich you, to confuse you, to move you, to inspire you. and so let me tell you why the theme is the wolf -because there are many desirable qualities about the wolf. and i wanna have as many as i can of those qualities.

therein lies the parable of the wolf -for the wolf is a lot like man but far nobler.

you see, the wolf is the only mammal with a highly complex social hierarchy other than man. e.g. how at any one time, only the alpha male and female can fuck and breed, and others probably just have to settle for oral or whatever. draw a parallel between this and the social sex games that man play -don't the dude with the best looks and the flashest car (translated to sense of security and material provision vis-a-vis her prospective progeny) get the choice chick? and why far nobler? the male cannot keep harems like men, for he is loyal to the alpha female. or at least i think. coincidentally illustratin this point, congratulations to my bro william, on the addition of a new female to our pack, a lovely morsel of a woman by the name of carmen. bear in mind i'ma take the alpha seat back and jiao kao your bitches as soon as i return home.

moving on, respect your elders; the alpha wolf reigns superior over the subordinate lengs (cantonese) and routinely asserts and enforces himself against them by standin over them, scarin them and bitin them even. and the poor dawg gotta submit to this treatment or risk bein outcast and windin up a lone wolf. and if you didn't know, the lone wolf is an actual term for a wolf that leaves the pack because of shit like this. kinda like how the biggest kid always bullies you at recess innit. by the way, is that malay director's BULI any good? someone drop me feedback on this please.

anyway back to wolves. the quality i most covet is the one i most lack -the wolf, with all his ego and pride, actually avoids man and other species. they ain't shy, but they ain't confrontational. they might leave territorial pissings everywhere and howl loudly like they got a rocco dildo shoved up their rectum, but they don't fuck with none till someone or somethin fucks with em. in short they don't look for trouble. if only i were a bit more like that.

well then, one can keep tryin.


Word Of The Wolf today is lucubration\loo-kyoo-BRAY-shun; loo-kuh-\,

1. The act of studying by candlelight; nocturnal study; meditation.
2. That which is composed by night; that which is produced by
meditation in retirement; hence (loosely) any literary

"These uneventful nights of academic lucubration compel me to write bollocks, some of which include this most unfortunate entry."

Lucubration comes from Latin lucubratus, past participle of lucubrare, "to work by night, composed at night (as by candlelight)," ultimately connected with lux, "light." Hence it is related to lucent, "shining, bright," and lucid, "clear." The verb form is lucubrate.

1 Osservasioni:

Blogger michaelcsm couldn't refrain from sayin...

OI! see. I had to sign up for a blogger account just to post a comment here. What a bother.

Anyway, good to see you put your talent with words in use. 'Proper use' mind you.

I got exams tomorrow. I'm proper f**cked. Ciao.

martedì, maggio 18, 2004 5:06:00 PM  

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