domenica, maggio 16, 2004

Low On Da Dough

same shit different day. got three days before my bank draft clears, and i got a whole three pounds in my wallet and an additional 4.67 in the bank.

what dis nigga gon eat?

it's all about the money these days. maybe if i caught one of em cons on the FBI top ten wanted list i can get some dough. osama's head is still US 27million and even those small-time sex offenders fetch a decent price. ah, once more we are at a career dilemma; a law degree as a passport to patrician corporate greatness or to fuck that and to buy a new .45 to work as a cool hitman mercenary? the things i'll do to make that extra $$$ make me wonder why i ain't half as dedicated to other non-monetary pursuits, like women or spiritual fulfilment. now if you were the analytical sort, you would understand how it's possible that one can HAVE no other pursuits, which is why one would so obstinately cling on to the self-amplified importance of a single selected pursuit. like how captain ahab hunts moby dick like a dog in heat lookin for a pole to hump -cause he ain't got nothin left to wanna do. how edmond dantes wants to whack fernand montego cause he nicked his bitch -cause he ain't got nothin left to wanna do. and onto a more real and recent example, how my bro bob the blob is writin gangsta-rap lyrics like biggie on a creative high though he's 100% chinese and can't tell east side from west side -cause he ain't got nothin left to wanna do. ah, the self-compensatory instruments we devise to inject artificial meanin to life. life ain't about the moolah. true, if you ain't got the moolah, you wouldn't be able to buy the loaf of bread that gives you the energy to type this shit even, BUT if your life is ONLY about the moolah, then that's all you got to live for. none else. and that's a sad shit way to go yo. so i'ma take 1pound from this 3 that i got to buy a burger and think on about what MY life is all about. hunt when you must -at this point, it's about that burger.
