martedì, maggio 18, 2004

Governments, Mafia & The Man On The Street

as far back as i can remember, i've always wanted to be a gangsta.

this is from a helluva movie so if it don't ring no bells you might wanna catch it. and well whaddya know -right after i pasted this link, i found out that this quote was really from a real brooklyn mobster, a certain henry hill. good on him. in any case, let's examine today's musing -the mafiosi.

i'm readin this book, pino arlacchi's mafia business, and it tells me that the mafia as we know it (centralised criminal organisation featurin bad-ass black-suited italian-americans, talk like rocky, always chewin food) is actually a fictional entity sensationalised by the media, and a mafioso is known as such not because he's part of a secret society but because he behaved in a certain way. ultimately, the mafia's actually based on a certain type of behaviour -the behaviour of a mafioso. in any case, today i contend that we should let all criminal organisations exist alongside established democratic governments!

as i was makin my coffee, another liberal-democrat letter arrived at the door, dissin blair and pledgin public service improvement and a cleaner europe. dya reckon we'll get the changes we want? back in malaysia, every politician sings wonderful manifestos before the elections but do we ever see change? i'm still takin that crummy 300-people-on-board bus 60 to church. here, i'm guessin how the fuck you wanna buy votes when i had the worst day yesterday with public service. the kangsta and i were drivin all around sheffield to get a fillin done on his missus' achin tooth. it was a bleedin nightmare. and when we did find one, the poor girl waited 2hrs to get it done and had to pay out of her nose. kinda reminds me of fakin severity on my my broken ankle just to get seen at the hospital. true, this be a welfare state, but dude man, i just wanna see a doctor you know? i mean, that same mornin itself the receptionist at university health told me my doctor was fully booked out for the day because she was a popular doctor. what the fuck man, i ain't orderin a whore! i just wanna see my doctor! popular doctor! fuck that!

now, if you studied sociology you'd know that if criminal organisations such as the yakuza, the new york crips, or even the spectrum of chinese triads and suchlike would be wonderful things to have existin alongside the government. that mafia book says that people in sicily & calabria had a 95% chance of recoverin stolen goods if they went to the mafia than the 10% they had if they went to the pigs. it's no secret that the yakuza and the japanese government worked together to maintain public order. the chinese use the very persuasive service of the triads to secure owed debts rather than payin shitloads by takin the matter to court.

the government is clearly insufficient in addressin pressin social needs such as these. to the average man on the street, we don't care about no war of bushes and blairs, we just want food on the table, good education for our kids and safe neighbourhoods to live in.

food on the table
government -tax hardworkin people fuckloads and give it as welfare benefit to lazy-ass junkie bummers
mafiosi -build criminal empire, create more jobs, diversify black economy and raise GDP (like italy)

education for our kids
government -impose extortionate tuition fees, marginalise the poor, decrease social mobility, increase social polarisation
mafiosi -build criminal empire, increase social mobility, redistribute income concentration

safe neighbourhoods to live in
government -pay pigs to catch petty weed-smokers and fine inconsequential illegal parkers like me, finance silly non-rehab prisons
mafiosi -regulate the streets through street justice, punish wrongdoing in a speedy and systematic fashion, maintain social order

the verdict is yours!

Word Of The Wolf today is salad days
A time of youthful inexperience, innocence, or indiscretion.

"During his salad days, Don Demonio was practically unknown but today he is a made man with twenty hits under his belt and one mean-ass face that puts Pacino's scarface to shame."

Salad days was coined by Shakespeare in Antony and Cleopatra:
"My salad days,/ When I was green in judgment, cold in blood."

2 Osservasioni:

Blogger michaelcsm couldn't refrain from sayin...

very enlightening. very sound and very logical and very substantiated arguments. Once again demonstrating that there's never a clear line btwn what is wrong and what is right.

however, there's wrong and there's right. what that is, really is subjective and up to you to decide. the ideal govt(which obviously does not exist) is one that is supposed to do things right and as fair as possible. (This is the unattainable. You and I both know that there's no such thing as absolute fairness.)

an illegal organization, no matter how honourable in its intentions, aims or goals are only held back by their perception of what is 'right' and 'wrong'. This idea of a greater good is a greater good for ppl within their knowledge and 'turfs'.

I would think the idealistic and unattainable dream is far more appealing because it is more far-reaching in its effects(which can even be felt when it is not possible to achieve) than the attainable one which is more 'narrow' and its effects will depend on how 'big' the organization is.

So unless, there is ONE single illegal organization governing the whole damn world - and that ONE org's HEAD or 'Family' knows everyone and holds everyone's interests at heart - then what's the point?

This is just an opinion that is unresearched unlike your wonderful dissemination which was sourced from a book that you're reading. So I stand corrected should anyone wish to disagree with me.

mercoledì, maggio 19, 2004 12:44:00 AM  
Blogger Brian couldn't refrain from sayin...

I is sponGy... i is impressed that you have edited your last posting to include a very mafia punye picture. Bob the blob's Italian name is actually FAT TONY. i suggest we shall all call him FAT toNY from here on, eh?

in fact my new mafia name should be Don L.O. Ng, Dick
a'ighttttttttttt. i is out.

giovedì, maggio 20, 2004 12:48:00 AM  

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