sabato, gennaio 29, 2005

A Moment Of Weakness



Word Of The Wolf today is imprecation \im-prih-KAY-shuhn\,

noun: 1. The act of imprecating, or invoking evil upon someone.
2. A curse.

"Suddenly he stood up and hurled profanities and vulgarities and then more unspeakable desecration came, until he realised once more, the offending people cannot be harmed by his foul imprecation."

Imprecation derives from Latin imprecatio, from imprecari, "to invoke harm upon, to pray against," from in- + precari, "to pray."

giovedì, gennaio 27, 2005

The Value Of Time

check this out for a cliche email forward;

To realize the value of one year:
Ask a student who has failed a final exam.

To realize the value of one month:
Ask a mother who has given birth to a premature baby.

To realize the value of one week:
Ask an editor of a weekly newspaper.

To realize the value of one hour:
Ask the lovers who are waiting to meet.

To realize the value of one minute:
Ask the person who has missed the train, bus or plane.

To realize the value of one second:
Ask a person who has survived an accident.

To realize the value of one millisecond:
Ask the person who has won a silver medal in the Olympics.

time waits for no one. however, there are those who are waiting for time.

then, there are those who quote henry van dyke each time someone dies (like mr. blair when princess diana died, i remember distinctly);

"Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love, time is eternity."

have you loved?



Word Of The Wolf today is corpulent \KOR-pyuh-luhnt\,

Very fat; obese.

"Bob grew ever more corpulent from all those festive nights at Zaheer's, imbibing a variety of over-sweetened beverages and also oil-soaked pancakes."
Corpulent comes from Latin corpulentus, "fat, stout, corpulent," from corpus, "body."

lunedì, gennaio 03, 2005

Of Waves And Wolf

for my international readers and also for those who asked of me, thanks for your e-mail. i am in good health, away from the indian ocean disaster. some may find this insensitive, but i woke up that mornin after wishin it was i who was swept away by them waves. truly, life is much more difficult than death.

for those who cared to ask about the paucity of my posts, i'd just like to say that i'd only stopped writin because i feel that the things i wanted to write about were too borin even for myself. it is a londstandin format of this blogsite that i do not succumb to writin about my daily diet or other explicitly inconsequential and unamusin rantings i see so often on most diary-blogs.

this is, and always has been, i maintain a satirical commentary, at most revealin vague clues as to the true dispositions of the wolf.

in any case, i have two things to add to what has become the saturated volumn of news on the tsunami tragedy.

one, beware the false mourners. do not be easily impressed by those who are coughin up donations by the millions. it is ridiculously easy at this point to gain political mileage or even cheap publicity by makin donations. you do not need to hold press conferences and take pictures with mock cheques when makin big donations. people suffer every day from conventional hardships like poverty and war. charity is about the efficacy of distribution of relief resources, not the correct spellin of benefactor names. also, the repeated emphasis in the media of mournin political leaders and monarchs who cut short their holidays to return home et cetera is a mockery of anyone's intelligence. the need to appear compassionate is clearly eclipsin compassion itself. one should not be moved by these hollow gestures, one should expect it. spendin 40minutes minglin with victims in front of the camera and then rushin back to the comfort of home is merely presentational. callin off new year celebrations is prudent and respectful on one hand but on the other, it is a diabolical conspiracy to shield the shame of our inadequacies. you cannot impart sadness on the alcoholic new year reveller anymore than you can impart happiness on the devastated victims of the deluge. get real.

two, remember that we do not know the hour any more than those who were strollin along the beach on boxing day do. be ready.



Word Of The Wolf today is obeisance \oh-BEE-suhn(t)s; oh-BAY-suhn(t)s\,

noun: 1. An expression of deference or respect, such as a bow or curtsy.
2. Deference, homage.

"We do not need to do obeisance at the temple of convention. After all, convention is a matter of dates -for yesterday's traitors would be today's patriots and today's terrorists are tomorrow's freedom-fighters."

Obeisance comes from Old French obeissance, from obeissant, present participle of obeir, "to obey," from Latin oboedire, "to listen to," from ob-, "to" + audire, "to hear." The adjective form is obeisant.